Duncan Platt

Voice Over Artist


I’m Duncan.
I love adding color to people's stories with my voice.

My equipment

Neumann TLM 102

Neumann developed the TLM 102 as an universal talent for vocal and instrumental recordings. Its finely tuned sound signature especially accents the area of 8 to 12 kilohertz which is crucial for human voices. The recordings get a silky elegance which is typical for large diaphragm microphones; the voice gets a noble presence in the overall mix.

Universal Audio Apollo Twin

Apollo Twin features two Unison-enabled mic preamps, letting you track through exacting mic preamp emulations from Neve, SSL, API, Manley, and Universal Audio. Unison technology nails the tone of these sought-after tube and solid state mic pres — including their input impedance, gain stage “sweet spots,” and the component-level circuit behaviors of the original hardware.

A selection of past work

“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning”

-Maya Angelou-